the text

Sunday 17 April 2011


Natasha: Please email me your blog's url ASAP!

Dear seedlings

Please remember to take pictures of your PROCESSES and upload them onto your blogs.
During consultation today, some of you asked me how you should go about with the editor's page, acknowledgment page, introductory page for characters. This is where you do RESEARCH and add a post to your blog!

I have also suggested some ideas to a couple of groups during consulation today. Do update in your blog the measures or ideas that you would take or consider. You may back these ideas with research as well!

Group leaders please email me the names of your presenters by Friday evening so that I can come up with the schedule for presentation for next Monday! Do check the class blog on Saturday evening for updates.

Friday 15 April 2011

Dear Seedlings,

I have seen your blogs and many of you have yet to upload pictures and/or research for your projects. Please be reminded that your teachers will assess your blogs based on the rubric which was given to you. Under 'visuals and sketches' in the rubric, your blog will be assessed based on how well your sketches have 'contributed to the conceptualization of the WHOLE project'. This means I would expect you to upload pictures and/or sketches of your project which show the PROCESS i.e. before and after stages of your progress.

Secondly, you are expected to do research and upload the references and/or or internet addresses i.e. urls of sites that you have visited or have taken things from. After uploading your research, you are expected to:

1. Give a brief description of the research (eg. pictures, videos, etc)
2. Briefly explain why your group decides to use this idea or research
3. Briefly explain how your group will translate this idea into your project

Saturday 9 April 2011

Ideas For Your Artefact!!

Here are some ideas that you may want to adopt for your scrapbooks and/or picture books. However, your crafts should be relevant to the context and themes of the text!

How To Make Cards That Move!

How To Make Texture Cards!

Note: Children would usually be attracted to books that have textures and possibly 'movements' i.e. books that involve the readers' sense of touch!

Examples of Videos for Research

Dear students,

Here are some videos which you may find useful as you work on your projects. However, you are still expected to do researches and do not forget to cite the web page(s). Refer to Rubric for Blog for more details.

SCRAPBOOKING For Beginners - Design Principles 

How To Draw Cartoon Facial Expressions

Note: As mentioned in the video, the cartoon template can be improvised creatively to achieve the expressions your want. Research online for more ideas! 
Dear all,

I have seen all your blogs and have given comments for most of you. Please do the necessary changes and/or improvements. Also, I noticed that some of you have not posted snapshots of your group members on your blogs. Most of you have also not posted your progress checklist for week 3 (4th April). Please do so BEFORE MONDAY'S CLASS.

For Monday's class 11th April - Week 4


1. Bring researches (can be printed on paper, photos, objects or artefacts, etc) to class and decide how you will translate these into your 'events'

2. Bring your scrapbook and necessary materials (colour pencils, markers, glue, scissors, double-sided tape, etc)

3. Finalize your letter to the author

4. Leaders will assign tasks to group members and plan for the next meet-up session for your project

Picture book:

1. Bring your scrapbook and necessary materials (colour pencils, markers, glue, scissors, double-sided tape, etc)

2. Finalise your storyline (final draft)

3. Sketches and finalise how each character will look (bring researches if you have)

4. Finalise the settings that you will use

5. Leaders will assign tasks to group members and plan for the next meet-up session for your project

Sunday 27 March 2011


Recorders have to draw out the progress table on your exercise book (or A4 size paper if you have alot to write. Staple it onto a page on your exercise book) and dedicate one week to one page of your exercise book. See below. Click to enlarge.

At the start of your discussion, write down your aims or what your group wants to achieve this lesson.
At the end of the lesson, you will be given 10 min to fill in the rest of the columns (what your group have and have not completed, and what your group wants to change, remove or improve on). Group members are expected to help your recorder by contributing ideas and points. Your teacher will check your recorder's exercise book to track your group's progress.


You are to type out (in point form with bullets or numbers) your group's progress checklist on your blogs by THURSDAY 8PM. Follow the format given below.

Post title: Progress Checklist - WEEK 1

What we aim to achieve:
1. finalize events for ...
2. decide on the characters we want for our scrapbook
3. ...
4. ...

We have completed:

We were unable to complete:

Areas we want to improve on or change/remove:

Things we will bring in the next lesson:

Note that you can add more points if you need to.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Weekly Routine

You are expected to upload new posts on your blog every week so that I can keep track of your progress!
All updates to be done by THURSDAY 8PM every week. Late work would have marks deducted.

Please also check the class blog every SATURDAY 8PM for instructions and updates from your teacher.