the text

Saturday 26 March 2011

TASK 3: Scrapbooking - Suggestions and Resources

Listed below are some of the things you may want to consider when working on your scrapbook:

Examples of significant objects from your early life in Korea:
  • bicycle
  • war pamphlets/ posters (eg. pro-Japanese pamphlets, posters from the resistance, American military pamphlets, etc)
  • old and significant newspapers that you have kept
  • leaves from the Sharon tree
  • Japanese flags
  • portrait of your family/ family tree
  • old portable radio

 Some helpful links and resources:
photo editing:
digital scrapbooking software: 

You are NOT to copy anything wholesale from the internet. However, you are allowed to use the ideas and/or resources that you have found to recreate/translate into something that is original and meaningful in relation to the text and its context. Please consult your teacher when in doubt.

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